35. Critical race theory – a subject of controversy and misinformation
Ohio State University Associate Professor Joni Acuff talks with us about what critical race theory actually is—as opposed to how it’s described by its critics—and gives examples of racial inequality being imbedded in society.

34. The adolescent mind and bad decision making
Sara Denny, M.D., a pediatrician, talks with us about why teenagers and adults in their early 20s make bad decisions. It’s simple–their brains aren’t fully developed.

33. Gun violence–a pediatric surgeon’s point of view
A prior guest on our podcast, Jonathan Groner is a pediatric surgeon and the medical director of the Center for Pediatric Trauma Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital who regularly treats Columbus children for gunshot wounds.

32. Former attorney general Jim Petro: repeal the death penalty
As a state representative, Jim Petro helped draft Ohio’s death penalty law in 1981. During his watch as attorney general from 2003 to 2007, the state of Ohio executed 18 men.

31. Recognizing the humanity within the LGBTQ community
Why is it that some number of people want to deprive members of the LGBTQ community of the fundamental rights that everyone else enjoys? What’s so hard about recognizing the humanity of the LGBTQ community?

30. Inside the walls
Ohio houses some 50,000 men and women in its penitentiaries. Former warden Christine Money describes life inside the walls and an innovative program she now directs that helps inmates successfully reenter society

29. Location a big factor in determining likelihood of success
Amy Klaben, project facilitator for Move to Prosper, tells us about the success 10 single mothers and their children are having now that they’re relocated from low-income, low-resource neighborhoods to neighborhoods that provide more opportunities.

28. The death penalty–a physician’s point of view
Listen to Jonathan Groner describe the Hippocratic Paradox that medical professionals face when asked to assist with executions and explain why the Death Penalty should be abolished.

27. Protecting Civil Rights
Civil rights attorney Fred Gittes and three other law firms are suing the Columbus Police Department. What’s behind the problem, according to Fred?

26. The housing crisis for tenants
The Covid-19 pandemic has put millions of Americans out of work, which means tenants can’t pay their rent and landlords can’t pay their mortgage loans.

25. Climate change—we’re at the tipping point
We’re heating up the Earth to a dangerous level. Listen to scientist Steve Rissing break down the problem

24. The hunger problem in central Ohio. It’s getting worse.
The hunger problem in central Ohio. It’s getting worse.

22. You’ve been raped? Sorry, but tort reform favors your rapist in court.
Attorney John Fitch has taken on the cases of two women who were raped. But state law caps the damages a plaintiff can recover in a personal injury action.

21. Allison Russo on HB 6, gerrymandering and dark money
State Rep. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) talks about how the movement to repeal HB 6 has slowed to virtual stand still. What’s the problem?

20. Why you should be concerned about dark money
Paul Beck, political scientist and professor emeritus from The Ohio State University, explains what dark money is, why it’s so powerful and why it’s probably here to stay.

19. Are gun safety advocates trying to take your guns away?
Toby Hoover, founder and former executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, explains what it takes to reduce gun violence and why groups like hers are not trying to take away anyone’s guns.

18. Why do Blacks suffer a higher infant mortality rate than Whites?
Patricia Gabbe, M.D, explains why Blacks have such a high infant mortality rate and why racism is a public health crisis.

17. Is Ohio ready for the November elections?
Jen discusses all things voting—voter guides published by the League, how our voting system is protected against fraud, and what Ohio is doing to get ready for the November 2020.

16. Police abuse—a few bad apples or a systemic problem?
Attorney James D. McNamara explains why police abuse exists, the breadth of the problem, and what it takes to effect real change.