54. What’s up with election deniers and QAnon believers?
The human mind is not readily disposed to accepting facts as they are, which explains election deniers and QAnon believers.
53. The supreme court and its textualist approach to abortion and guns
In the Dobbs case, the U.S. Supreme Court found there is no constitutional right to abortion and held that the issue of abortion is better left with the states, but state legislatures have gerrymandered their voting maps so that the power in party controls the vote
52. No country for great statesmen
Remember the movie, “No country for old men?” America is becoming, “no country for great statesmen.”
51. More guns, more violence
The NRA tells us the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. How’s that working for us?
50. The new political strategy—voter suppression
Why is voting in America difficult, and what’s behind the recent efforts by Republican controlled state legislatures to make it even more difficult?
49. The problem with police investigative stops—police abuse or citizen non-compliance?
What does the law say about a police officer’s obligation when stopping and questioning someone for possible criminal conduct?
48. The U.S. Supreme Court has become an extension of politics
The U.S. Supreme Court is taking on the trappings of being a political body.
47. The blind injustice of America’s criminal justice sytem
We want to believe the criminal justice system convicts the right person and allows the innocent to go free. It’s a nice thought, but it doesn’t always work that way.
46. The crisis that comes with being homeless
Ever thought about what it’s like to be homeless? It’s not just a matter of having no place to call your own. It’s a state of crisis.
45. Democracy at risk
Something’s not right in America. The democracy we should all cherish and want to protect is under attack.
44. The barriers to employment ex-offenders face
After you finish your prison sentence and pay your debt to society, you should be eligible for work, right? Not exactly.
43. How America has criminalized Black youth
Why are Black youths treated differently by school officials, the police and the criminal justice system?
42. Should you hire ex-offenders? Yes!
Why are employers reluctant to hire ex-offenders? Is that reluctance always justified?
41. Politics are getting involved in education. And it’s not for the better.
We talked with former board president Laura Kohler about how politics are getting involved in education. And it’s not for the better.
40. The Criminal justice system is rigged
It’s better to be rich and guilty in America than poor and innocent.
39. Texas abortion law—restrictive and cleverly drafted.
The new Texas abortion law is controversial for more than one reason.
38. The gerrymandering battle in Ohio
Gerrymandering was supposed to end in 2021 for Ohio’s congressional and general assembly maps, by virtue of constitutional amendments approved by over 70 percent of Ohioans
37. Not all neighborhoods are equal
Columbus suffers from a lack of housing, and especially affordable housing, a problem that hits low income neighborhoods the hardest.
36. Reforming a failed bail system
The majority of Americans who are behind bars are not serving a sentence; they’re awaiting trial.
35. Critical race theory – a subject of controversy and misinformation
Ohio State University Associate Professor Joni Acuff talks with us about what critical race theory actually is—as opposed to how it’s described by its critics—and gives examples of racial inequality being imbedded in society.